Whorehouse Cinema

Whorehouse Cinema

queer.red presents! proudly returns with a second, expanded edition of their film and arts festival that celebrates the creativity of sex workers. This year, the program focuses on queer and trans sex workers, featuring a photography archive, an art exhibition, workshops by and for sex workers, a sharp selection of films and shorts, and a cabaret with performers from across the Netherlands and France.

Date | 30th of March
Location | Cinetol Zaal & Etage + Tolbar
Passe Partouts [access to all films in the programme] | €46,25 | link
Individual film tickets | €11,25 [see links below]
Workshops & performances | priced separately [see events at queer.red]

content warning | These films contain sexual contact and strong language. 18+.

[* ticketprices include €1,25 service costs]


13:00 | artist talk: María Riot
13:00 | C€NSWH0RE$HIP: film
15:00 | Cada Vez que Muero: film + intro
17:15 | Télétravail du sexe (Remote Sex Work): film + Q&A

Artist talk: María Riot

Archivo Puta
by María Riot

After more than ten years working in the sex industry, María Riot decides to delve deeply into artistic projects related to sexual work since art and creation is their primary motivation always. One of them is “Archivo Puta”, a project that currently has more than 600 photographs in analog and instant formats. This infinite project in constant construction aims to unite activism and the political recognition of rights for the collective as well as appeal to the sensitivity that only art can give. She will present her work and talk about the project in more depth.
María Riot (September 12, 1991) Born in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina and currently based in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Barcelona, Spain. She is a sex worker, sex workers’ rights activist, intimacy coordinator and artist.

-INFO-Location | EtageTimes | 13:00-15:00Tickets | Donation (suggested sliding scale €0-20) | online registration required


Ronja Berg | Sweden | 2024 | 80 min | Swedish with English subs

A whore goddess in Heaven, a christian police and two sex workers in Sweden are affected in different ways by the whore stigma, when suddenly a mysterious asteroid connects their minds.

-INFO-Location | ZaalTimes | 13:00-14:30Tickets | €11,25* | link

Cada Vez que Muero: film + intro

Cada Vez que Muero (Every Time I Die)
Raúl Vidales Bohórquez | Colombia, 2022, 92 minutes | Spanish with English subs

A hybrid feature film that blends documentary with fiction and approaches cinema as a ritual of symbolic transformation in the death experience of seven transwomen.
This film will be introduced by Papaya Kuir: are a lesbo-transfeminist collective created by and for Latin American migrants and refugees residing in the Netherlands and the larger community interested in their struggle.

-INFO-Location | ZaalTimes | 15:00-16:45Tickets | €11,25* | link

Télétravail du sexe (Remote Sex Work): film + Q&A

Télétravail du sexe (Remote Sex Work)
Carmina & Prune | France | 2024 | 73 min | French with English subs

A compelling documentary led by online sex workers, giving us an intimate peek into their daily lives and guiding us behind the scenes.

-INFO-Location | ZaalTimes | 17:15-19:00Tickets | €11,25* | link

Praktische informatie
Deze show is rolstoeltoegankelijk. Heb je verder vragen over de toegankelijkheid van Cinetol, lukt het niet om online een kaartje te kopen of heb je een andere vraag? Bel ons op 020 248 0186, we zijn bereikbaar op kantoordagen tussen 10:00 – 18:00. Per mail contact opnemen kan ook via info@cinetol.nl.

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