FCA Book Club - Countersexual Manifesto

We’ll next read and discuss Countersexual manifesto (2018) by Paul B. Preciado.   

The ‘official’ description of the book is fantastic:  

“Countersexual Manifesto is an outrageous yet rigorous work of trans theory, a performative literary text, and an insistent call to action. Seeking to overthrow all constraints on what can be done with and to the body, Paul B. Preciado offers a provocative challenge to even the most radical claims about gender, sexuality, and desire. 

He calls for a world of sexual plasticity and fabrication, of bio-printers and “dildonics,” and he invokes countersexuality’s roots in the history of sex toys, pornography, and drag in order to rupture the supposedly biological foundations of the heterocentric regime. 

Countersexual Manifesto will disrupt feminism and queer theory and scandalize us all with its hyperbolic but deadly serious defiance of everything we’ve been told about sex.” 


Join us on Sunday 16th March at 16:30 in NieuwLand. We will be in the room upstairs which unfortunately is not wheelchair accessible.  

There will be a donation jar and some refreshments available (cash or pin).
Please think about donating something if you are able; a place like NieuwLand can only exist through the contributions of volunteers and friends who know of the importance of places like this, which exist alternative to an individualistic society, capitalist economy and gentrifying neighbourhoods.

To learn more about NieuwLand visit their website (https://nieuwland.cc).

If you have access needs regarding the event, that you feel may not be in place, please get in contact with us so that we can do our best to incorporate these.

The beautiful Het Fort van Sjakoo in Amsterdam has a copy listed as being in stock and is usually open to be contacted if you wish to order something they do not have https://sjakoo.nl/product/countersexual-manifesto/

If you want to attend the session but have difficulties getting hold of the book, reach out to us and we will try to help (feministbookclubamsterdam@gmail.com)

Like the FCA more generally we aim to be a harassment free space for everybody. If you are new to our meetings, or feel you need a refresher please read our code of conduct to find out what behaviours we hope for from you, and hold ourselves to in our sessions http://www.thefeministclub.nl/coc

If there are topics or questions you would like to discuss please bring those with you. We don’t usually have a set structure to our meetings and love it if it’s shaped by all the views and thoughts of those attending.    

We are super excited to be reading this text, and looking forward to seeing and discussing with you!


in 15 days
Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93, 1093 XN Amsterdam
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