Witte Gei’t?: John F Klaver, Second Hand Sunset, Chupwallah

Witte Gei’t?: John F Klaver, Second Hand Sunset, Chupwallah

Second Hand Sunset is the singer-songwriter duo of Nipun Vashishta and Sauvik Bhattacharya. Formed in a tiny corner of Amsterdam on a secret Sunday, it brings together Nipun’s Indian classical singing and Sauvik’s jazz guitar playing into an envelope of dark, folk-inspired acoustic atmosphere. Meeting over influences such as Damien Rice, Iron & Wine and Ben Howard, Second Hand Sunset sings about hidden loves, lost homelands, growing up pains and identity.

John-F. Klaver is gitarist, zanger en muziekdocent. Op 11-jarige leeftijd begon hij met gitaarspelen, geïnspireerd door Gary Moore, Jimi Hendrix en Robben Ford. Na zijn VWO-studie volgde John muziektheorie- en gitaarlessen aan de University of the Pacific in de USA. Terug in Nederland vervolgde John zijn studie aan het conservatorium van Amsterdam. Na het eerder winnen van de Dutch Blues Challenge in 2011 en 2013 met zijn band, gaat John nu solo performances geven en ook in deze categorie is John finalist.

Chupwallah is the most recent musical incarnation of John Newton, a guitarist and composer from the North East of England exploring the edges of folk instruments through finger picking and open tunings, with occasional appearances of the voice as an accompaniment. The usual suspects in this affair include classical guitar, 12 string, and the banjo.

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10 days ago
De Nieuwe Anita
Frederik Hendrikstraat 111, 1052 HN Amsterdam
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