Waag Open: Plataan-check

Waag Open: Plataan-check

There are many ways to measure air quality. Explore with Urgenda the possibilities of natural sensors: bark of plane trees. This Waag Open marks the kick-off of Urgenda's national action: de Plataan-check.

Plane trees can tell a lot about the air quality in their environment. They store particulates from their surroundings in their bark. Each year, the plane tree loses part of their bark. Using laboratory research, researchers can use the bark to see how much particulates have been emitted in the surrounding of the tree.

Together with Urgenda, we will collect the bark from plane trees. Urgenda will explain how plane bark provides insight into the amount of particulate matter in the Netherlands. In addition, Imme Ruarus, head of Waag's Smart Citizens Lab, will open the evening with an introduction on citizen sensing: how residents map their living environment with technological measurements, natural measurements and observations.

After this Waag Open, you can join the Plataan-check and start collecting plane bark yourself!


19:30 - 19:45 hrs Welcome & Intro Imme Ruarus19:45 - 20:05 hrsPresentation Urgenda20:05 - 21:00 hrsCollecting plane bark21:30 - 22:00 hrsDrinks and end of the evening

Waag Open

Waag Open is the monthly public programme focused on today's themes. We organise various workshops and present collaborations between scientists, designers and artists. Once a month, Waag opens her doors for programmes that can be attended by anyone and everyone.


As the Waag building is a listed building, it is unfortunately not equipped with a lift. This event will take place in the Makersguild on the first floor of the Waag building. If you are tight on funds and want to participate in this event, please get in touch with sanna [@] waag [dot] org.

in 1 month
Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam
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