Waag Open: Internet routing (Sold out)

Waag Open: Internet routing (Sold out)

What is your daily screen time? Have you ever thought about the routes your data takes when you send an email, use a search engines or post something on social media?

As a society, we have become dependent on the Internet. It is a fundamental infrastructure. Yet few people know the routes their data takes when they send information as Internet users. The opacity of these paths was originally a core value of Internet routing. But it also raises questions: does my data follow a secure route when it leaves my country? Does my data travel along environmentally sustainable routes? Is the route fast? And if you could choose for yourself, what route would your data take?

In this workshop during you will learn how data travels over the Internet and help design the most desirable routes. Based on Packet Run, a software tool that allows users to see how the Internet routes data, you'll play a game to take an ideal route through the Internet. We discuss what an ideal route means for different users, and what understanding of Internet routing is desirable depending on what contexts (e.g., the websites you visit).


19:30 - 19:45 hrswelcome & introduction19:45 - 20:45 hrsinteractive game: your ideal route on the internet20:45 - 21:30 hrsfinal discussion 21:30 - 22:00 hrsdrinks

Waag Open

Waag Open is the monthly public programme focused on today's themes. We organise various workshops and present collaborations between scientists, designers and artists. Once a month, Waag opens her doors for programmes that can be attended by anyone and everyone.


As the Waag building is a listed building, it is unfortunately not equipped with a lift. This event will take place in the Makersguild on the first floor of the Waag building. If you are tight on funds and want to participate in this event, please get in touch with sanna [@] waag [dot] org.

in 5 days
Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam
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