Voku for African refugees in Türkiye
Dear friends,
As we all know, climate justice is also social justice which extends to fights for refugees and other displaced people to have everything they need to be able to live a dignified life and not go through the horror that they escaped again. The cause for which we will be raising money during this Voku is exactly about this dimension of climate justice, more specifically - educational rights of African refugees in Izmir, Türkiye.
If you join us on the 13th of February for a donation-based dinner, your money will go to Imece Initative - an NGO based in Izmir, Türkiye, working since 2014 to create collective solutions for disadvantaged groups and refugees. The organisation’s primary focus is on empowering women and equipping them with vocational skills to build sustainable futures. One of their key projects also include an educational centre in Basmane - one of Izmir’s most densely populated immigrant areas - where they work closely with African refugees - one of the most marginalized and invisible communities in Türkiye. Many lack access to basic rights and resources, leaving them unseen and unsupported.
The educational centre is in desperate need of money due to the limited amount of support it's been getting from external donors in the past months. Hence, any bigger donations will also be very much appreciated but even a standard donation counts and can do a lot of good.
Dinner will be served from 19:00. Hope to see you there!