The Junction - audiobar & culturekitchen

The Junction - audiobar & culturekitchen
Vinyl music, Reggae Vinyl music special by: Loddy Culture & Ari 16:00 - 00:00 hrs € 0

The Junction
Friday 01-03-25 from 16:00 till 00:00
Vinyl music special by: Loddy Culture & Ari
Kitchen special by: The junction crew & Taste Before You Waste

The Junction

The junction is an audiobar, culturekitchen & gallery where people can “meet and greet” inna Amsterdam. We are confident we are gonna bring u good food, drinks and a various programming that comes from within.

pop-up audiobar
music & art gallery
food & drinks

We are striving to become a bridge for people to understand the need of a “we come one” approach in times like this.

We look forward in seeing you;
“bring your dancing shoe’s too!”

in 8 hours
Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam
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