The Dichtersmarathon 2025!

The Dichtersmarathon 2025!

On Friday 31st January, we will open a can of poets, so to say. Every year, perfectly in line with tradition, Perdu organizes the ultimate cross-section of Dutch-language poetry: no fewer than 30 poets in 3 hours. Only interrupted by one break, not by announcements, biographical or bibliographical information. An intense stream of poetry, fired at the listener who will later stumble out of the theater as if just awakened from a wonderful fever dream, urgently in need of a beer, a visit to the restroom, and the purchase of at least five new collections by poets you have just heard.

This is the Dichtersmarathon, and a true poetry lover wouldn’t miss it for anything!

We invite a range of poets in the broadest sense of the word, and each speaker will read two poems: one by themselves and one by a foreign colleague. From poetry to music, from big names to rookies, from inscrutable experimentation to swinging slam: be ready for a grand tour of the contemporary poetry landscape.

Nowhere else will you see and hear so many different forms of poetry, and nowhere else will you get so many poets for your money. So come to Perdu on January 31st, for the Dichtersmarathon 2025! Don’t wait too long to reserve a spot because this event often sells out quickly.

Confirmed thus far, in alphabetical order:

  1. Pelumi Adejumo & Meetsysteem
  2. Bakr Al Jaber
  3. Obe Alkema
  4. Alma Apt (digitaal)
  5. Sander Ausems
  6. Eddie Azulay
  7. Jan Baeke
  8. Nele Buyst
  9. Daan Doesborgh
  10. Steff Geelen
  11. Selma van Gemert
  12. Maarten van der Graaff
  13. Jonathan Griffioen
  14. Julian Harmens
  15. René Huigen
  16. Parel Joy
  17. Roan Kasanmonadi (digitaal)
  18. Bernke Klein Zandvoort
  19. Sarah de Koning
  20. Erik Lindner
  21. Emerald Liu
  22. Iduna Paalman
  23. Myrthe Pdrins
  24. Arnoud Rigter
  25. Jalil Sultani (digitaal)
  26. Vlinder Verouden
  27. Rodante van der Waal
  28. Shira Wolfe (digitaal)
  29. Mia You
1 month ago
Kloveniersburgwal 86, 1012 CZ Amsterdam
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