Statoil + 2buckroleks + Eilander

Statoil + 2buckroleks + Eilander

3 Amazing bands and Dj to end the night.

Eilander (NL)

2buckroleks (NL)

Statoil (DK)

DJ Breitbling

Statoil is the sound of the sticky, black-gold liquid being pumped out of the earth, distributed over the globe and turned into capital. As the only preserver of the genre 'static-oil-core' (an instrumental genre of heavy, repetitive riffs and shrieking noise) they are the manifestation of the middle finger to hyper-capitalism, cynical raw material extraction and the lack of compassion for the common human.



Eilander is een grenzeloos muzikaal project van Marcus Bruystens, meestal met band, maar vanavond zonder. Van oorwurmende indiepop tot psychedelische klanklandschappen, Eilander is niet voor 1 gat te vangen.


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in 6 days
Vondelpark 8A, 1054 EV Amsterdam
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