🌅 Morning Yoga at Nieuwland 🌅

Friday Morning Yoga at Nieuwland

*** 8:30 - 10.00 am ***

This is a general Iyengar Yoga class for all levels.
Everyone is welcome.

Iyengar yoga opens up classical yoga,
making it accessible to all bodies,
capacities, and levels.
It teaches alignment and precision
in the postures (asanas)
to bring ease and stability
to the body, mind and breath.
Props, such as blocks, belts and blankets
help support the learning process.

Mats and props are all here,
Just bring yourself!

There are limited spaces, please sign up in advance:

The suggested donation is a sliding scale, adjusted to your possiblities
and helps us to continue offering amazing yoga classes here!

10 - 15 EUR (single lesson)

Use your existing card or get a

Friday Morning Class Card:

8 Lessons for 76 EUR - 112 eur (sliding scale)
16 lessons for 150 - 220 eur (sliding scale)

No one will be turned away for lack of funds, just come and talk to us!
Everyone is welcome!

8 days ago
Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93, 1093 XN Amsterdam
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