Amsterdam BeatClub, feat. Greenfield Inc. & Tardam Records dj-team!

Amsterdam BeatClub, feat. Greenfield Inc. & Tardam Records dj-team!
Doors 20.00, entrance 10,- (ex service, presale here), band starts 22:00 SHARP! live: Greenfield Inc. (SoulJazz)

dj’s: The Tardam Records dj-team, for your dancing pleasure:
Ir. Vendermeulen, Pallino & dj Goffry (It.)

Greenfield Inc. is the latest project by tenorsax colossus Rinus Groeneveld. Together with bassist Eric Barkman, drummer Roberto Haliffi and guitarist Martien Oster, he plays literally everything. From jazz to Jimi Hendrix, from the Who to funk to contemporary pop songs! great music, fab cocktails, cool dancing & party-time!!! all info & tickets:
13 days ago
De Nieuwe Anita
Frederik Hendrikstraat 111, 1052 HN Amsterdam
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